McNaught Homestead Provincial Historic Resource: Memberships

McNaught Homestead Provincial Historic Resource: Memberships

Membership to the McNaught Homestead Preservation Society is available for $10.00 a year or $100 life membership.

We welcome you to the homestead to partake in the historical restoration and walking the nature trails.

All members are invited to participate in our summer evening work bees; please check this site for the times and projects.

McNaught Homestead Provincial Historic Resource: Memberships

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name*
Street Address*
Zip/Postal Code*
Home Phone*
E-Mail Address*
New Membership, or Renewal?*
Life Membership
New Membership
Renewal of Existing Membership
Include a Message

1. Please complete the above membership form.

2. Click Membership.

3. Mail in your payment. Please include all of the above information and mail your cheque to:

McNaught Homestead Preservation Society, Box 879, Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada, T0H 0C0.

Thank you.

If you have questions or need help please choose Contact Us from the navigation bar (above left page).

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Please contact the Society
to purchase any of the
following items.

Euphemia McNaught prints,
while supplies last $225.00

The Monkman Pass
"People of the Pass" $25.00

"People of the Pass is the story
of hardy people who dared to
follow a dream."