McNaught Homestead Heritage
 The McNaught Homestead heritage site was designated a Provincial Historical Resource on July 23, 2003.
The property, located south of the Town of Beaverlodge, Alberta on secondary highway 722, was donated by Noel McNaught to the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie.
The McNaught Homestead Preservation Society was formed in 2005 and now has title to the McNaught Homestead. The historical interest in the homestead lies in its direct association with Euphemia McNaught, one of Alberta's most highly recognized artists.
The Society exists to accomplish three main goals:
1. To restore designated historic buildings.
2. Establish a permanent site to honor and continue the legacy of Euphemia (Betty) McNaught via the establishment of an Artists' Retreat, annual Art Festival and Art Workshops.
3. Establish walking and nature trails, access to the McNaught Lake and preserve the natural habitat of the homestead.
Euphemia McNaught was a leading influence on Peace Country artists and the region as an artist, educator and advocate for the arts. The education she received at the Ontario College of Art and her studies there under noted artists such as Arthur Lismer and J.E.H. MacDonald changed the scope and style of her work for the rest of her life.
Her dedication and inspiration led to the formation of art groups, facilities, events and programs throughout the region.
Honoring her legacy through our programs is an essential part of the work of the Society.
- The McNaught Homestead website: About Us
- The McNaught Homestead website: About Us. We're preserving this Canadian homestead heritage site.
- Old Homestead Records: McNaught Homestead History
- Old Homestead Records: History of the McNaught Homestead
- McNaught Homestead Photos
- The McNaught Homestead photos gallery, showing the current state of each building.
- Homestead Living: Workshops | McNaught Homestead Heritage
- Homestead Living: Workshops hosted at the McNaught Homestead Heritage site.
- McNaught Homestead Provincial Historic Resource: Memberships
- McNaught Homestead Provincial Historic Resource: Memberships Cost Just $10 Per Year
- Homestead Blog: McNaught Preservation Society
- Homestead Blog: McNaught Preservation Society. Our site blog updates whenever we make changes to the site.
- Local Events and Activities
- Local events and activities at the the McNaught Homestead.
- McNaught Homestead Preservation Society: Contact Us
- The McNaught Homestead Preservation Society: Contact Us
- McNaught Homestead Newsletter
- Sign up for the McNaught Homestead Newsletter to be kept informed of all our events and updates!
- Tributes
- Read tributes about those we recognize and feature on our website.
- Recommended Homestead Websites
- Recommended Homestead Websites and friends of
- Privacy Policy for
- Privacy Policy for, operated by the McNaught Homestead Preservation Society